A Long Hot Summer in Amsterdam

On the 16th-17th of June 1997, the 'EuroTop' is happening in Amsterdam. At this summit of European heads of state in the Dutch Bank in Amsterdam, work will be done on extending the creation of an economic power-bloc. At the whim of the free market, social services will be privatised and wiped out. Inside the EU's impenetrable structures, policy will be made behind closed doors. This tiny group
of state leaders will hand over an all-encompaasing power to Capital; at the same time throwing overboard all possibility for grassroots democratic alternatives. More and more state control - within, on and outside of Europe's borders - is meant to ensure that this process all flows smoothly.

The government leaders have great plans for this EU-summit. They intend to conclude the 'Treaty of Amsterdam' (also known as 'Maastricht 2'). This treaty should agree upon, amongst other things, the scrapping of the right of veto in the council of ministers, and the implementation of new rules on foreign and defence policy, for the courts and the police.

Amsterdam city council sees the 'EuroTop' as a blessing. Amsterdam gets the chance to clean up its Sodom and Gomorrah image of sex, drugs and slums and to present itself as a respectable, economically successful city of the world. To spoonfeed the heads of state this image and to ensure that the summit comes off smoothly, thousands of extra cops are being drafted into Amsterdam and large areas of the city are being turned into security zones. Within these security zones
will be a strict compulsion to identify yourself, and the streets will be 'cleaned up' of homeless people, illegal foreigners and other 'undesirable elements'. A glimpse into the future perhaps?
Fortunately, there's plenty of individuals and organisations who won't take all this sitting down, who want to use the event to display their contempt and set out forth their resistance. People from other countries who want to support this resistance will be very welcome. There's already a number of actions and events prepared for the 'June Days'. Below is a partial list of events. These are being organised by
a broad spectrum of individuals and groups. Each group is responsible for its own activities. Although these activities are being co-ordinated as much as possible, it was deliberatley chosen not to have any central control. This way there's room for all sorts of spontaneous initiatives. During the June Days there will be a number
of info-points around Amsterdam, where you can get an action calendar and other related info. The exact location of these info-points isn't yet available, but a list can be ordered after May 1st from the address below.

Unfortunately, it isn't possible to organise sleeping places for everyone, you'll have to sort that out yourself. Any ideas of your own you have are more than welcome, so we can show in a wide variety of ways our objections to EU policies, and our desire for a different, just world.

It promises to be a long hot summer...

--------------------------- (IN ANGEL ALLEY)
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