About the Dutch Coalition for a Different Europe
The Dutch Coalition for a Different Europe consists of a broad scale of NGOs and policitical parties. The view points presented here do therefore not necessarily mirror the opinions of all the organisations that are part of the Dutch Coalition, nor those
of the editors of the newspaper or of the World Wide Web site itself.
Editing board campaign newspaper:
Rob Vugs (editor), Barend de Voogd, Arthur Bruls, Anne van Schaik, Rene Danen
Spell check: Seppie Groot
Printed in 75.000 copies
Our address:
The use of articles from the campaign
newspaper is strongly
encouraged. Please add the name of the author(s), the Dutch Coalition and the address.
That does however not necessarily go for all contributions, including
interactive ones, to this WWW site.
Some people appreciate their privacy and might not want their contributions published
elsewhere than this WWW site.
Dutch Coalition for a Different Europe consists of:
- Aktie Strohalm
- America Ventana
Derde Kamer
- Dwars
- European Youth For(est) Action
- Groen Links
- de Groenen
- Milieudefensie
- Nederland Bekent Kleur
Nederlandse Kernstopcoalitie
Stichting Grenzeloze Solidariteit
Stichting Mapuche Indianen Chili
Vrouwen voor Vrede
Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie
Werkgroep Eurobom
XminY Solidariteitsfonds
The Dutch Coalition for a Different Europe works together with:
- Autonoom Centrum
- Bureau Jansen en Janssen
Infokafee August
- Fair Trade
Samenwerkingsverband Mensen zonder Betaald Werk
Solidariteitsgroep politieke vluchtelingen
Transnational Institute (TNI)
Werkgroep Tegencontrôle
And abroad with, among many others:
Europees Secretariaat Marsen tegen Werkloosheid
European Anti Poverty Network
European Network of the Unemployed
International support has come from:
MEP's Ken Coates, Michael Hindley and Patricia McKenna
Friends of the Earth-Germany (BUND)
FoE-Eire and Legambiente (Italy)
- AEDENAT (Spain)
- Eurotopia
International Forum on Globalisation
Kairos Europe
The Europan Anti-Maastricht Movement (TEAM)
Women's Environmental Network (WEN)
Agir contre le Chomage!, France
Alternatives to the EU, Finland
Solidarité contre l'Exclusion, Belgium
Last updated: